
The Ratings section is where you will complete your daily self-measurements. This process can take as little as 30 seconds once you’ve navigated the app a few times.

Keeping track

Welcome to the OneYou app help! You have accessed help from the Ratings tab–your landing page each time you open the YOU app.

The Ratings tab is where you will complete your daily self-measurements. This process can take as little as 30 seconds once you’ve navigated the app a few times.

Each day, the Ratings page will reset. Giving you a fresh start to a new day and score.  

To begin recording your scores, click the orange Mood button and a Rating modal will appear. At the bottom, you will see a scale with 10 definitions. Press the “0” button and slide it to the first definition. The clinically based definition for a “1” score will appear. As you slide the scoring indicator to each consecutive number, the corresponding definitions will appear. Simply select the definition that most closely matches your self-assessment for today and release the indicator. The YOU app will automatically record your score.

Select the next metric by pressing the “Stress Health” button at the bottom and you’ll be taken to that rating modal. Repeat this process for each of the eight metrics.

As you complete the rating in each metric, the YOU app records your entry, converts the button to blue, and completes a partial calculation of your overall YOU score. Repeat this process until all eight metrics have been completed to see your YOU score for the day. And don’t forget to navigate to the Boosts tab. Where you can immediately improve you mood and score. 

When you have completed entering your ratings and hit submit, all of the buttons will be blue 

If you missed a day, simply click on the calendar icon and select the date you missed and enter your scores for that day. 

The more consistently you enter your scores, the more powerful the YOU app becomes. At first, try setting a goal to enter your scores for seven consecutive days, then use the YOU app’s Graphs to review your week. Entering a note each day will add perspective to the circumstances surrounding scores. It’s a powerful way to identify trends and triggers in your life.