How it works.

Designed by a practicing clinician, the OneYou app enables you to create a social support network using hand-selected contacts already saved on your phone.

Here’s a short video to get you started!

If you’re new to our platform, you might be wondering how it all works. We created this video to help get you started on setting up the Support Contact feature of the OneYou app. In just a short minute, you’ll have a clear understanding of how Supports work in the application and help you achieve your personal goals of self-improvement, and overall well-being. So why not take a moment to watch the video now? It’s the perfect way to get started on your journey. Click the play button below to learn more!”

Play Video

About caring for self

The Basics

Mood can be tricky – it goes up and down based upon what is in front of us. We all say we want to be happy, but it’s difficult to acknowledge how sadness contributes to understanding happiness. Understanding our mood becomes critical in knowing how to better control it.

Mood becomes about being present in the moment when we are feeling good, and accepting down days as normal and part of the process. When we are struggling, we can use strategies, or coping skills, to get back to feeling good.

So much of our mood is how we choose to see ourselves. In general, it seems that we are overly critical of what we see in the mirror. In this case, it becomes essential that we combat this with finding, and highlighting, what makes us great.

Stress is healthy if balanced properly. Too much stress debilitates us, while too little can make us unproductive. 

Eustress, or healthy stress, can help motivate and inspire us. Distress, or unhealthy stress, can have the opposite effect, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and “stressed out.” Stress health is the management of both types of stress in your life.

Balancing our stress health makes sure that stress is working for us, not against us. It’s important to develop a better understanding of how stress can work with, or against, our own personal health.

Self Worth is one of the most fragile aspects of the human condition. Yet, one of the most neglected focal points of our personal health. 

Self Worth, at its core, is how we feel about our worth and value to ourselves and others.

It is something we should be working on daily -understanding who we are from within is key to our happiness.

Energy is our overall motivation to engage in our daily activities, level of alertness, mental focus and physical vigor.

So much affects our energy, and taking care of ourselves with healthy habits can get us there.

Although substitutes can help, they provide a very short term solution to a larger problem. One that can be addressed with some very simple practices. 

The You App is  focused on increasing your understanding on how to naturally improve our energy levels through a healthy, more long-term approach.

the Essentials

Physical activity becomes the presence of regular engagement in health-based movement and activity that gets the heart pumping. 

How that looks is up to you. Just don’t get caught without it.

Physical activity looks different for each of us. It ranges from bodybuilding to going on a walk – all that matters is that we are moving our bodies. 

Engaging in physical activity can reduce feelings of anxiety and improve cognitive function.

Eating habits can be defined as lack of, or excess of food intake, this includes the presence or absence of healthy foods, and the presence and absence of unhealthy foods. 

Our stomach releases dopamine into our system, making eating habits a key part in our mental and physical health.

There are two things that directly affect our brain health of which we have complete control. Sleep, and our Eating Habits. The brain is a major consumer of any food you intake. In fact, it take approximately 20% of any fuel you put into your system.

So what you eat, and how much you eat directly affects how you think, problem solve and deal with day-to-day living.  This makes it a major player in your overall mental as well as physical health.

Sleep health can be different for everyone. In general terms, it’s the quality of sleep we get, and how rested we feel. 

Too much or too little sleep takes it toll on our body and brain. Making it a priority is essential in our overall health.

Research shows that depending on the individual, we require 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. 

One of the critical aspects to the importance of sleep is that your brain is doing so much when you rest. Repairing neurons, storing memories, and recharging. You are a better you when you are rested. Which I am sure you already know. 

Socialization is something we all need, it varies based upon our personality, some like a lot of social interactions. Others would rather have a small group of close friends. How that looks depends on you. 

Socialization is anything you look forward to – lunch with a friend, a big trip , or attending a ball game.

A research university in London, England developed a mathematical formula for happiness. In the formula one of the key factors for happiness was having something to look forward to. The highlighted example used was the simple act of having lunch with a friend. 

Making socialization a part of our routine and planning is important. When we are having difficulty, we need those that we love and trust there to support us. 

Ways to improve your scores


Boosters are an important component of the OneYou app’s ability to put you in greater control of your overall health and well-being. Boosters are research-based interventions that can help you achieve your goals.

Since behaviors are easier to influence than their clinically evaluated counterparts, thoughts (cognitions), and emotions, Boosters are the quickest way to boost your health and boost your OneYou score.

Support Contacts

We need each other for growth, progress, ingenuity, invention and, most of all, support. However, when it comes to our personal struggles we are not tapping into this vital resource.

The ‘Support Contact’ feature of the the OneYou app is designed to connect us with those we trust and that can provide assistance and support specifically when it’s needed the most.