We need each other for growth, progress, ingenuity, invention and, most of all, support. However, when it comes to our personal struggles we are not tapping into this vital resource.

We are Social Creatures

We need each other for growth, progress, ingenuity, invention and, most of all, support. However, when it comes to our personal struggles we are not tapping into this vital resource.

The ‘Support Contact’  feature of the the OneYou app is designed to connect us with those we trust and that can provide assistance and support specifically when it’s needed.

Why are Support Contacts so important? Research shows that the times we most need support  are the times we are the least likely to ask for it. When we are depressed, discouraged, worried, or just want to give up, we need someone to check-in with us. Having others who care enough to reach out can provide a lift to help us get out of those dark places.

The Support Contact feature of the the OneYou app bridges that gap. It  provides a low-effort, non-invasive way of getting that needed support by creating a simple way to notify those that care.

Here is how it works. Using  the mobile app, you enter personal ratings in areas of health such as physical activity, sleep, mood and stress. This provides a measurement of how you are doing within any of the given areas. These ratings are combined to create your the OneYou app Smart Score – a direct reflection of your overall health.  Based upon your ratings and score you can then select how your Support Contact is notified.

For example. If Ben were to select Jane as his support contact, he could indicate that he would like her to be notified if his Mood Rating was to drop below a 5 for more than 3 days. If that scenario were triggered, a message would be sent to Jane. She could then reach out and check-in with Ben, and check in to see how he is doing. Without Ben needing to do anything other than engage in the OneYou app.

Ben could also select multiple alerts triggers for Jane so that she is notified on more than one area of his health.